8 Meal Prep Keto Ground Turkey Recipes

8 meal prep keto ground turkey recipes to get the keto diet started. You can make turkey meatballs, ground turkey meatloaf and turkey burgers. All low carb and keto friendly!



Starting the keto diet can be a task if you aren’t sure where to start. Meal prep is a great option considering when you start craving you have food on hand.

This does wonders to ease you mind of food cravings. Below are 8 meal prep keto ground turkey recipes that will assist with that. The recipes are easy to make for beginners in the kitchen.

Follow the step by step instructions and everything will turn out just fine. Meal prep ideas are very easy and should be easy to make as well.

1. Turkey Stuffed Peppers

Recipe credit: Self Proclaimed Foodie

turkey stuffed peppers self proclaimed foodie 3

2. Parmesan Turkey Meatballs

Recipe credit: Sugarless Crystals

close up parmesan keto turkey meatballs with cheese sprinkled on top

3. Turkey Lettuce Wraps

Recipe credit: Evolving Table

Turkey taco lettuce wraps

4. Garlic and Ginger Turkey Meatballs

Recipe credit: Ketogasm

turkey meatball garlic ginger 01

5. Turkey Taco Skillet

Recipe credit: Step Away From The Carbs

low carb turkey taco skillet v1

6. Teriyaki Turkey Bowls

Recipe credit: It’s Cheat Day Everyday

low carb teriyaki turkey bowls e1482259690188

7. Stuffed Turkey Burgers

Recipe Credit: Joy Filled Eats

IMG 9950

8. Feta Stuffed Turkey Meatloaf

Recipe credit: All Day I Dream About Food

Feta Stuffed Turkey Meatloaf

Is turkey keto friendly?

Despite turkey being really low in fat it is an option for the keto diet. In all honesty there are far better choices but there are ways to make turkey more keto friendly. Add in your fat! Fat options are never limited and more fat means more flavor.

Adding more fat with your turkey:

  • Butter
  • Olive oil
  • Avocado
  • Coconut oil
  • Cheese
  • Cream sauces

All those things ramp up the fat in each of the turkey recipes making them perfect to keep you full throughout the day.

Why meal prep works for weight loss

That’s easy, you have a set of meals already made to go. What this does is prevent excess snacking and running out for more food. In the beginning, you add numbers up to make sure what you are making your’e getting exactly what you need.

Be sure you get the correct macros for what your’e doing. In a diet there will be discomfort. But, if you preplanned you know that you are receiving all the nutrients you are suppose to get to continue throughout your day.

Other recipes that are easy to make

Steak Wraps

Chicken Meatballs

Chicken and Broccoli

Steak or Chicken Fajitas

20 Quick and Easy Chicken Recipes


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